Dwarika Mai Charity Sanstha is working from long time for child rights, like organizing work shop , rally’s for awareness of child rights, arranging seminars on child Rights through his various forums and Organizations. Works on grass root level for child rights. Dwarikamai work on child rights for education organizing Scholarship for poor Childs, awareness program for below poverty line Childs and parents for improving attendance in schools, distribution of school uniforms, books, pen, pencil, as well as arranging sports material in low price (through subsidies) full set cricket kit, football kit, hockey kit, Badminton kit, Valley ball kit, Providing P. T. uniform for them.
Working on Child Psychology through his organizations, like organizing seminar and workshops, mainly focusing on parents to develop them for observe and scrutinize the child behavior, avoid imposing least required discipline, understand the normal behavior of children’s, Providing knowledge for understand the problems of child and their solutions. Personality development program for Childs to improve their memory, development programmers for mentally retired handicap children. Help them for their various activities like education, medical treatments , awareness programs for community on mental disorder child’s, organizing picnics, educational tours for poor child’s and mental disorder child’s, training camp for the parents on child psychology.
Child labour is a serious problem of Indian Community. Our Team works on this subject through his various organizations, arranging various seminars, preventive remedies and campaign against child labour. He liberalizes number of children’s from various hotels, small industrial units.
On the subject of child health Dwariakamai charity sanstha organize various medical camps, seminars with child specialist and medical practitioner. Provide the knowledge to the parents about child health, maintenance and nourishment of children’s, development and control on brain, guidance regarding maintain weight and height and treatments on child problems from various child specialist and doctors through organizing various seminars, debates and group discussion. He organizes the programs and seminars for the benefits of poor child who residing in stricken, rural and urban slum areas.
We Work for street child, children’s residing on railway platform, orphan child’s for eradication of bad habits like smoking of bidi, cigarettes, chewing pan and gutkha explain them importance of healthy life and benefits of staying in shelters and orphanage. Encourage them to improve their life, living standard to stay in shelters and orphanage. Rehabilitation program for them to provide medical treatment clothes and arrangement for send them various shelters and orphanage.